Université de Lille
CNRS UMR 8163 – Savoirs, Textes, Langage
The group at Lille coordinates the linguistic research on the bilingual corpus in order to describe and to analyze the relationship between Late Latin and Old French.
Prof. Anne Carlier (now Sorbonne Paris)
Jasper Vangaever (Ph.D. student)
Lieven Danckaert (CNRS researcher)
ENS de Lyon
IHRIM Research Lab / CNRS
Lyon team is in charge of the creation of Old French corpus (text selection and description, linguistic annotation) and of the integration of the whole corpus (Latin and French texts) into TXM platform.
Céline Guillot-Barbance (Associate Professor)
Serge Heiden (Research Engineer)
Naomi Kanaoka (Post-doc)
Alexei Lavrentiev (Research Engineer)
Matthieu Decorde (Engineer, Software developer)
Universität Regensburg
Romance studies
The members of the Department of Romance studies design the Latin annotation schema and annotate the Latin texts accordingly.
Elisabeth Reichle (Ph.D. student)
Student assistants: Christina Bauer, Waldemar Blech, Veronika Gonschorek, Silvia Prokoph, Victoria Seitz, Matthias Sieber, Julia Stockinger, Marius Wahl, Mirjam Zelzer
media informatics
The department of media informatics is responsible for the preparation of the corpus documents as well as the selection and development of suitable annotation tools with a special focus on their usability.
Dr. Manuel Burghardt (Post-doc)
Dr. Lars Döhling (Research assistant, now Regensburg University Computer Centre (CC))
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Romance studies
The project members at the University of Tübingen are concerned with the compilation of the Latin corpus texts and the collection of the required metadata, as well as the development of an appropriate tag set.
Sebastian Ortner, M. A. (Ph.D. student, now LMU Munich)
Student assistants: Delia Brix, Renée Eisele